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@import url(""); html { background-color: #12355B; font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; } .heart, .tile { fill: red; } .clover, .pike { fill: black; } #app { position: absolute; width: 100%; } #container { position: relative; width: 770px; margin: 0 auto; } .congratulation { color: white; font-size: 2em; text-align: center; } .header { margin: 10px; height: 126px; } .stock, .rest, .flop, .foundation { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; } .rest { margin-right: 95px; } .rest .cardContainer { position: relative; width: 3px; -webkit-perspective: 500px; perspective: 500px; display: inline-block; } .rest .cardContainer card { display: inline-block; } .flop .cardContainer { position: relative; width: 30px; -webkit-perspective: 500px; perspective: 500px; display: inline-block; } .flop .cardContainer card { display: inline-block; } .foundation { position: absolute; right: 10px; } .foundation .pile { box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; margin-left: 20px; } .foundation .pile .cardContainer { position: absolute; } .tableau { white-space: nowrap; } .tableau .pile { display: inline-block; margin: 10px; vertical-align: top; width: 90px; } .tableau .pile .cardContainer { position: relative; height: 40px; -webkit-perspective: 500px; perspective: 500px; } .cardFace, .dropTarget, .foundation > .pile { width: 90px; height: 126px; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px #c4c4c4; } .cardFace { background-color: white; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden; } .cardFace.frontFace[draggable="true"] { cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: grab; } .cardFace.backFace { background-color: lightgray; position: absolute; top: 0; } .cardFace.pointer { cursor: pointer; } .cardFace h1 { font-size: 25px; display: inline-block; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; margin: 0; margin-right: 5px; } .cardFace h1.HEART, .cardFace h1.TILE { color: red; } .cardFace h1.CLOVER, .cardFace h1.PIKE { color: black; } .cardFace .suitIcon { padding-left: 5px; } .dropTarget { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } .dropTarget h1 { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; margin: 0; color: #11937C; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; line-height: 126px; vertical-align: middle; }
'use strict'; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } /* Import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux' */ var _Redux = Redux; var createStore = _Redux.createStore; var combineReducers = _Redux.combineReducers; /* Import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux' */ var _ReactRedux = ReactRedux; var connect = _ReactRedux.connect; var Provider = _ReactRedux.Provider; /********* * Constatants **********/ var consts = { FOUNDATION: 'FOUNDATION', TABLEAU: 'TABLEAU', HEART: 'HEART', CLOVER: 'CLOVER', TILE: 'TILE', PIKE: 'PIKE' }; /********* * REACT **********/ var Game = function () { var UnconnectedGame = function UnconnectedGame(_ref) { var congratulation = _ref.congratulation; return React.createElement( 'div', { id: 'container' }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'header' }, React.createElement(Stock, null), React.createElement(Foundation, null) ), React.createElement(Tableau, null), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'congratulation', style: { visibility: congratulation ? 'visible' : 'hidden' } }, React.createElement( 'h1', null, 'Congratulation, you did it!' ) ) ); }; var mapStateToProps = function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { return { congratulation:[0].cards.length === 13 &&[1].cards.length === 13 &&[2].cards.length === 13 &&[3].cards.length === 13 }; }; return connect(mapStateToProps)(UnconnectedGame); }(); var Stock = function () { var UnconnectedStock = function UnconnectedStock(_ref2) { var rest =; var flopped = _ref2.flopped; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'stock' }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'rest' }, (card) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'cardContainer', key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }) }, React.createElement(Card, { key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }), suit: card.suit, number: card.number, stack: true, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: false }) ); }) ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'flop' }, (card) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'cardContainer', key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }) }, React.createElement(Card, { key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }), suit: card.suit, number: card.number, stack: true, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: card.last }) ); }) ) ); }; var mapStateToProps = function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { return { rest:, flopped: state.stock.flopped }; }; return connect(mapStateToProps)(UnconnectedStock); }(); var Foundation = function () { var UnconnectedFoundation = function UnconnectedFoundation(_ref3) { var piles = _ref3.piles; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'foundation' }, (pile, pileIndex) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'pile', key: pileIndex }, (card) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'cardContainer', key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }) }, React.createElement(Card, { key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }), suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: card.last }) ); }), React.createElement(Drop, { key: JSON.stringify({ type: consts.FOUNDATION, index: pileIndex }), pileType: consts.FOUNDATION, pileIndex: pileIndex, visible: pile.drop }) ); }) ); }; var mapStateToProps = function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { return { piles: }; }; return connect(mapStateToProps)(UnconnectedFoundation); }(); var Tableau = function () { var UnconnectedTableau = function UnconnectedTableau(_ref4) { var piles = _ref4.piles; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'tableau' }, (pile, pileIndex) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'pile', key: pileIndex }, (card, index) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'cardContainer', key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }) }, React.createElement(Card, { key: JSON.stringify({ suit: card.suit, number: card.number }), suit: card.suit, number: card.number, stack: false, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: card.last }) ); }), React.createElement(Drop, { key: JSON.stringify({ type: consts.TABLEAU, index: pileIndex }), pileType: consts.TABLEAU, pileIndex: pileIndex, visible: pile.drop }) ); }) ); }; var mapStateToProps = function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { return { piles: state.tableau }; }; return connect(mapStateToProps)(UnconnectedTableau); }(); /********* * React: Card *********/ var Card = function () { var UnconnectedCard = function (_React$Component) { _inherits(UnconnectedCard, _React$Component); function UnconnectedCard(_ref5) { var suit = _ref5.suit; var number = _ref5.number; var stack = _ref5.stack; var turned = _ref5.turned; var locked = _ref5.locked; var last = _ref5.last; _classCallCheck(this, UnconnectedCard); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$, { suit: suit, number: number, stack: stack, turned: turned, locked: locked, last: last })); _this.state = { rotation: turned ? 0 : -180 }; _this.turn = _this.turn.bind(_this); _this.dragStart = _this.dragStart.bind(_this); _this.dragEnd = _this.dragEnd.bind(_this); return _this; } UnconnectedCard.prototype.turn = function turn() { var _this2 = this; if (this.props.stack === true) { this.props.flop(); } else { var _ret = function () { if (_this2.props.turned === true || _this2.props.locked) { return { v: undefined }; } var lastTime = null; var slideBackAnimation = function (time) { var rotation = null; if (lastTime !== null) { var delta = (time - lastTime) * 0.4; rotation = Math.min(0, _this2.state.rotation + delta); _this2.setState({ rotation: rotation }); } lastTime = time; if (rotation !== 0) requestAnimationFrame(slideBackAnimation); }.bind(_this2); requestAnimationFrame(slideBackAnimation); }(); if ((typeof _ret === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret)) === "object") return _ret.v; } }; UnconnectedCard.prototype.dragStart = function dragStart(ev) { ev.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', JSON.stringify({ suit: this.props.suit, number: this.props.number })); this.props.dragStart(); }; UnconnectedCard.prototype.dragEnd = function dragEnd(ev) { this.props.dragEnd(); }; UnconnectedCard.prototype.render = function render() { var suit = undefined; switch (this.props.suit) { case consts.HEART: suit = React.createElement(Heart, null); break; case consts.TILE: suit = React.createElement(Tile, null); break; case consts.CLOVER: suit = React.createElement(Clover, null); break; case consts.PIKE: suit = React.createElement(Pike, null); break; } return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'card' }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'cardFace frontFace', style: { transform: 'rotateY(' + this.state.rotation + 'deg)' }, draggable: this.props.locked === false, onDragStart: this.dragStart, onDragEnd: this.dragEnd }, React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement( 'h1', { className: this.props.suit }, this.props.number ), suit ) ), React.createElement('div', { className: 'cardFace backFace' + (this.props.locked === false ? ' pointer' : ''), style: { transform: 'rotateY(' + (this.state.rotation + 180) + 'deg)' }, onClick: this.turn }) ); }; return UnconnectedCard; }(React.Component); var mapDispatchToProps = function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) { return { dragStart: function dragStart() { dispatch({ type: 'DRAG_START', suit: ownProps.suit, number: ownProps.number, last: ownProps.last }); }, dragEnd: function dragEnd() { dispatch({ type: 'DRAG_END' }); }, flop: function flop() { dispatch({ type: 'FLOP' }); } }; }; return connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(UnconnectedCard); }(); var Heart = function Heart(_ref6) { var _ref6$zoom = _ref6.zoom; var zoom = _ref6$zoom === undefined ? false : _ref6$zoom; return React.createElement( 'svg', { className: 'suitIcon', width: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, height: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, viewBox: '0 0 20 20' }, React.createElement('path', { className: 'heart', d: ' M 0 6 A 2.5 2.5 0 0 1 10 6 A 2.5 2.5 0 0 1 20 6 Q 16 14 10 19 Q 4 14 0 6' }) ); }; var Tile = function Tile(_ref7) { var _ref7$zoom = _ref7.zoom; var zoom = _ref7$zoom === undefined ? false : _ref7$zoom; return React.createElement( 'svg', { className: 'suitIcon', width: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, height: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, viewBox: '0 0 20 20' }, React.createElement('path', { className: 'tile', d: ' M 10 0 Q 13 5 17 10 Q 13 15 10 20 Q 7 15 3 10 Q 7 5 10 0' }) ); }; var Clover = function Clover(_ref8) { var _ref8$zoom = _ref8.zoom; var zoom = _ref8$zoom === undefined ? false : _ref8$zoom; return React.createElement( 'svg', { className: 'suitIcon', width: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, height: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, viewBox: '0 0 20 20' }, React.createElement('circle', { className: 'clover', cx: '10', cy: '5', r: '4.5' }), React.createElement('circle', { className: 'clover', cx: '5', cy: '11', r: '4.5' }), React.createElement('circle', { className: 'clover', cx: '15', cy: '11', r: '4.5' }), React.createElement('polygon', { className: 'clover', points: '10 10, 13 20, 7 20' }) ); }; var Pike = function Pike(_ref9) { var _ref9$zoom = _ref9.zoom; var zoom = _ref9$zoom === undefined ? false : _ref9$zoom; return React.createElement( 'svg', { className: 'suitIcon', width: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, height: zoom === true ? 40 : 20, viewBox: '0 0 20 20' }, React.createElement('path', { className: 'pike', d: ' M 0 12 A 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10 12 A 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20 12 Q 16 4 10 0 Q 4 4 0 12' }), React.createElement('polygon', { className: 'pike', points: '10 10, 13 20, 7 20' }) ); }; /********* * React: Drop *********/ var Drop = function () { var UnconnectedDrop = function (_React$Component2) { _inherits(UnconnectedDrop, _React$Component2); function UnconnectedDrop(_ref10) { var pileType = _ref10.pileType; var pileIndex = _ref10.pileIndex; var visible = _ref10.visible; var drop = _ref10.drop; _classCallCheck(this, UnconnectedDrop); var _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$, { pileType: pileType, pileIndex: pileIndex, visible: visible, drop: drop })); _this3.allowDrop = _this3.allowDrop.bind(_this3); _this3.drop = _this3.drop.bind(_this3); return _this3; } UnconnectedDrop.prototype.allowDrop = function allowDrop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }; UnconnectedDrop.prototype.drop = function drop(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var data = JSON.parse(ev.dataTransfer.getData("text")); this.props.drop(data.suit, data.number); }; UnconnectedDrop.prototype.render = function render() { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'dropTarget', style: { visibility: this.props.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }, onDrop: this.drop, onDragOver: this.allowDrop }, React.createElement( 'h1', null, '+' ) ); }; return UnconnectedDrop; }(React.Component); var mapDispatchToProps = function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) { return { drop: function drop(suit, number) { dispatch({ type: 'DRAG_END' }); dispatch({ type: 'DROP', targetPileType: ownProps.pileType, targetPileIndex: ownProps.pileIndex, suit: suit, number: number }); } }; }; return connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(UnconnectedDrop); }(); /********* * REDUX: Store **********/ var store = function () { var cards = function () { function deck() { var cards = []; for (var i = 2; i <= 14; i++) { var number = i; if (i === 11) number = 'J'; if (i === 12) number = 'Q'; if (i === 13) number = 'K'; if (i === 14) number = 'A'; cards.push({ suit: consts.HEART, number: number }); cards.push({ suit: consts.TILE, number: number }); cards.push({ suit: consts.CLOVER, number: number }); cards.push({ suit: consts.PIKE, number: number }); } return cards; } function shuffle(a) { for (var i = a.length; i; i--) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); var _ref11 = [a[j], a[i - 1]]; a[i - 1] = _ref11[0]; a[j] = _ref11[1]; } } var cards = deck(); shuffle(cards); return cards; }(); function pop(cards) { var turned = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1]; if (turned) { return _extends({}, cards.shift(), { turned: true, locked: false, last: true }); } else { return _extends({}, cards.shift(), { turned: false, locked: true, last: false }); } } var initialState = { tableau: [{ drop: false, cards: [pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }, { drop: false, cards: [pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards), pop(cards, true)] }], stock: { rest: [].concat( (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: false, locked: false, last: false }; })), flopped: [] }, foundation: [{ drop: false, cards: [] }, { drop: false, cards: [] }, { drop: false, cards: [] }, { drop: false, cards: [] }] }; var stockReducer = function stockReducer() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? initialState.stock : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'FLOP': { var rest = [].concat( (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: false, locked: false }; }),; var flopped = []; var first = rest.pop(); var second = rest.pop(); var third = rest.pop(); if (third !== undefined) { flopped.push(Object.assign({}, third, { turned: true, locked: true, last: false })); } if (second !== undefined) { flopped.push(Object.assign({}, second, { turned: true, locked: true, last: false })); } if (first !== undefined) { flopped.push(Object.assign({}, first, { turned: true, locked: false, last: true })); } return { rest: rest, flopped: flopped }; } case 'DROP': { var topFlop = state.flopped[state.flopped.length - 1]; if (topFlop !== undefined && topFlop.suit === action.suit && topFlop.number === action.number) { // The top of the flopped cards has been moved var flopped = []; if (state.flopped.length > 2) { flopped = flopped.concat(state.flopped.slice(0, -2)); } if (state.flopped.length > 1) { flopped.push(Object.assign({}, state.flopped[state.flopped.length - 2], { locked: false, last: true })); } return { rest:, flopped: flopped }; } return state; } default: { return state; } } }; var foundationReducer = function foundationReducer() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'DRAG_START': { var _ret2 = function () { var match = function match(targetCard, draggedCard) { if (targetCard === undefined && draggedCard.number === 'A') { return true; } if (targetCard === undefined) { return false; } return targetCard.suit === draggedCard.suit && (targetCard.number === 'A' && draggedCard.number === 2 || targetCard.number === 10 && draggedCard.number === 'J' || targetCard.number === 'J' && draggedCard.number === 'Q' || targetCard.number === 'Q' && draggedCard.number === 'K' || targetCard.number + 1 === draggedCard.number); }; if (action.last !== true) { return { v: state }; } var draggedCard = { suit: action.suit, number: action.number }; return { v: (pile) { return { drop: match([ - 1], draggedCard), cards: [].concat( }; }) }; }(); if ((typeof _ret2 === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret2)) === "object") return _ret2.v; } case 'DRAG_END': { return (pile) { return { drop: false, cards: [].concat( }; }); } case 'DROP': { var _ret3 = function () { var match = function match(card, suit, number) { return card !== undefined && card.suit === suit && card.number === number; }; // Check if the moved card belonged to the foundation piles var sourcePileIndex = state.findIndex(function (pile) { return match([ - 1], action.suit, action.number); }); return { v: (pile, pileIndex) { // Add the card to the corresponding pile if the target is a foundation pile if (action.targetPileType === consts.FOUNDATION && action.targetPileIndex === pileIndex) { return { drop: false, cards: [].concat( (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: true, locked: true, last: false }; }), [{ suit: action.suit, number: action.number, turned: true, locked: false, last: true }]) }; } // Remove the card from if it has been part of a foundation pile if (sourcePileIndex !== undefined && sourcePileIndex === pileIndex) { var _cards = []; if ( > 2) { _cards = _cards.concat(, -2)); } if ( > 1) { _cards.push(Object.assign({},[ - 2], { locked: false, last: true })); } return { drop: false, cards: _cards }; } // Return the pile unchanged if it has not been affected by the drop return pile; }) }; }(); if ((typeof _ret3 === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret3)) === "object") return _ret3.v; } default: { return state; } } }; var tableauReducer = function tableauReducer() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? initialState.tableau : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; switch (action.type) { case 'DRAG_START': { var _ret4 = function () { var match = function match(targetCard, draggedCard) { if (targetCard === undefined && draggedCard.number === 'K') { return true; } if (targetCard === undefined) { return false; } return (targetCard.number === 'K' && draggedCard.number === 'Q' || targetCard.number === 'Q' && draggedCard.number === 'J' || targetCard.number === 'J' && draggedCard.number === 10 || targetCard.number === draggedCard.number + 1) && ((targetCard.suit === consts.HEART || targetCard.suit === consts.TILE) && (draggedCard.suit === consts.CLOVER || draggedCard.suit === consts.PIKE) || (targetCard.suit === consts.CLOVER || targetCard.suit === consts.PIKE) && (draggedCard.suit === consts.HEART || draggedCard.suit === consts.TILE)); }; var draggedCard = { suit: action.suit, number: action.number }; return { v: (pile) { return { drop: match([ - 1], draggedCard), cards: [].concat( }; }) }; }(); if ((typeof _ret4 === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret4)) === "object") return _ret4.v; } case 'DRAG_END': { return (pile) { return { drop: false, cards: [].concat( }; }); } case 'DROP': { var _ret5 = function () { var match = function match(card, suit, number) { return card !== undefined && card.suit === suit && card.number === number; }; var _state$reduce = state.reduce(function (accumulated, currentPile) { var index = (card) { return match(card, action.suit, action.number); }); if (index !== -1) { var _cards2 = []; if (index > 1) { _cards2 = _cards2.concat(, index - 1).map(function (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: false }; })); } if (index > 0) { _cards2.push(Object.assign({},[index - 1], { locked: false, last: true })); } accumulated[0].push({ drop: false, cards: _cards2 }); accumulated[1] = (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: true, locked: false, last: card.last }; }); } else { accumulated[0].push(currentPile); } return accumulated; }, [[ // Tableau without moving cards ], [ // Moving cards default (overwritten if source found in a tableau pile) { suit: action.suit, number: action.number, turned: true, locked: false, last: true }]]); var tableauWithoutMovingCards = _state$reduce[0]; var movingCards = _state$reduce[1]; if (action.targetPileType === consts.TABLEAU) { tableauWithoutMovingCards[action.targetPileIndex] = { drop: false, cards: tableauWithoutMovingCards[action.targetPileIndex] (card) { return { suit: card.suit, number: card.number, turned: card.turned, locked: card.locked, last: false }; }).concat(movingCards) }; return { v: tableauWithoutMovingCards }; } return { v: tableauWithoutMovingCards }; }(); if ((typeof _ret5 === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(_ret5)) === "object") return _ret5.v; } default: { return state; } } }; var mainReducer = combineReducers({ stock: stockReducer, foundation: foundationReducer, tableau: tableauReducer }); return createStore(mainReducer); }(); /********* * React DOM *********/ ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( Provider, { store: store }, React.createElement(Game, null) ), document.getElementById('app'));
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