SimpleCalculadora v1.0

Quick start

1.- Include the files

            <!-- Bootstrap and JQuery -->
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
            <script src="jquery-2.1.4.min.js"> </script>
            <!-- Plugin -->
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="SimpleCalculadorajQuery.css">
            <script src="SimpleCalculadorajQuery.js"></script>
2.- Create HTML Element

              <div id="idCalculadora"> </div>
              <div id="micalc"> </div>
3.- Call the the plugin on a container as your wish

4.- All done!


you can custom by passing options when call the plugin, all available options are listed below. call the the plugin on a container wish you wish

                option: value,
                option2: value2

						TituloHTML:'<a class="btn-block btn3d btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank">Calculadora</a>', /*Title HTML*/
						Botones:["7","8","9","+","4","5","6","-","3","2","1","*","0",".","=","/"], /* Order Numbers*/
						Signos:["+", "-", "*", "/"], /*Simbols*/
						ClaseBtns1: 'primary', /* Color Numbers*/
						ClaseBtns2: 'success', /* Color Operators*/
						ClaseBtns3: 'warning', /* Color Clear*/
						ClaseColumnas:'col-md-3 mbottom',
						ClaseBotones:'btn3d btn-lg btn-block btn btn-',
						txtSalida:idInstancia+'txtResultado', /* Ouput Result*/
						ClasetxtSalida:'form-control txtr',
						InputBorrar:idInstancia+'Borrar', /* Ouput Clear*/
						ClaseInputBorrar:'btn3d btn btn-danger btn-lg btn-block',
						EtiquetaBorrar:'Borrar' /* Label Ouput Result*/

Demo (Options)

            ClaseBtns1: 'warning', /* Color Numbers*/
            ClaseBtns2: 'success', /* Color Operators*/
			ClaseBtns3: 'primary', /* Color Clear*/