添加对 bs_pagination 的 css 和 js 文件的引用。
创建一个div用于渲染 bs_pagination 插件。给其一个ID (比如 mypagination )
添加如下的 js
$("#mypagination").bs_pagination({ // 参数 })
$("#element_id").bs_pagination({ currentPage: 1, rowsPerPage: 10, maxRowsPerPage: 100, totalPages: 100, totalRows: 0, visiblePageLinks: 5, showGoToPage: true, showRowsPerPage: true, showRowsInfo: true, showRowsDefaultInfo: true, directURL: false, // or a function with current page as argument disableTextSelectionInNavPane: true, // disable text selection and double click bootstrap_version: "3", // bootstrap 3 containerClass: "well", mainWrapperClass: "row", navListContainerClass: "col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6", navListWrapperClass: "", navListClass: "pagination pagination_custom", navListActiveItemClass: "active", navGoToPageContainerClass: "col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-2 row-space", navGoToPageIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right", navGoToPageClass: "form-control small-input", navRowsPerPageContainerClass: "col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-2 row-space", navRowsPerPageIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-th-list", navRowsPerPageClass: "form-control small-input", navInfoContainerClass: "col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-2 row-space", navInfoClass: "", // element IDs nav_list_id_prefix: "nav_list_", nav_top_id_prefix: "top_", nav_prev_id_prefix: "prev_", nav_item_id_prefix: "nav_item_", nav_next_id_prefix: "next_", nav_last_id_prefix: "last_", nav_goto_page_id_prefix: "goto_page_", nav_rows_per_page_id_prefix: "rows_per_page_", nav_rows_info_id_prefix: "rows_info_", onChangePage: function() { // returns page_num and rows_per_page after a link has clicked }, onLoad: function() { // returns page_num and rows_per_page on plugin load } });
var version = $("#element_id").bs_pagination('getVersion'); $("#element_id").bs_pagination('getDefaults'); $("#element_id").bs_pagination('getOption', 'option_name'); $("#element_id").bs_pagination('getAllOptions'); $("#element_id").bs_pagination('destroy'); $("#element_id").bs_pagination('setRowsInfo', 'info_html');
//onChangePage $("#element_id").bs_pagination({ onChangePage: function(event, data) { // your code here e.g. console.log('Current page is: ' + currentPage.col + '. ' + rowsPerPage + ' are displayed per page.'); } }); //onLoad $("#element_id").bs_pagination({ onLoad: function(event, data) { // your code here e.g. console.log('Current page is: ' + currentPage.col + '. ' + rowsPerPage + ' are displayed per page.'); } });