更新时间:2017/9/29 下午3:37:56
1. 优化图片和文件显示
2. 支持拖拽文件夹上传
Build Setup
# install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report
uploadImage: function() { var data = new FormData(); for (var i = 0; i < this.imgList.length; i++) { data.append("file", this.imgList[i].file); } $.ajax({ url: "/WorkOrder/upload", type: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'JSON', cache: false, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function(ret) { console.log(ret); } }); }
你好 请问添加文件可以获取到图片的尺寸,长宽吗?
请问怎么用ajax提交 imgList 我用ajax 会显示错误
Array [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]test.html:175:13File.lastModifiedDate 已不赞成使用。请改用 File.lastModified。