通过将您的目标元素传递给构造函数创建一个 OriDomi 实例:
var folded = new OriDomi(document.getElementsByClassName('paper')[0]);
...或是传递一个选择器字符串和 OriDomi 将使用匹配的第一个元素:
var folded = new OriDomi('.paper');
如果您更喜欢使用 jQuery,试试这个:
var $folded = $('.paper').oriDomi({/* options object */}); // when using jQuery, iterate OriDomi methods over multiple elements like this: $folded.oriDomi('accordion', 20); // to access the OriDomi instance at the top of the jQuery selection directly: var folded = $folded.oriDomi(true);
当创建新的 OriDomi 组成,则可以作为第二个参数传递一张地图的选项:
var folded = new OriDomi('.paper', { speed: 1200, // folding duration in ms ripple: 2, // backwards ripple effect when animating shadingIntesity: .5, // lessen the shading effect perspective: 800, // smaller values exaggerate 3D distortion maxAngle: 40, // keep the user's folds within a range of -40 to 40 degrees shading: 'soft' // change the shading type });
您可以指定锚点以折从 (左、 右、 顶部或底部) 作为第二个参数:
folded.curl(-50, 'top'); foldUp()是一种独特效果方法不带角度参数,因为它会导致 OriDomi 组成完全卷起交错的方式。 // completely hides the element: folded.foldUp();
folded.curl(-50, 'top', function(event, instance) { // arguments are the transition event and the OriDomi instance alert('It seems my folding days are through.'); });
请记住参数是灵活。时离开了锚论点假定你最后使用锚点。OriDomi 通常可以找出你的意思:
folded.ramp(14, function() { alert('A callback as a second argument...'); });