$('#tj_container').gridnav({ rows : 2, navL : '#tj_prev', navR : '#tj_next', type : { mode : 'sequpdown', speed : 400, easing : '', factor : 50, reverse : false } });
rows: the number of rows to be shown in the grid(行数)
navL/navR: the selectors for the previous and next navigation elements(上下箭头)
mode: the type of animation; you can use def | fade | seqfade | updown | sequpdown | showhide | disperse | rows(效果类型)
speed: the speed of the animation for fade, seqfade, updown, sequpdown, showhide, disperse, rows(播放速度)
easing: the easing effect for fade, seqfade, updown, sequpdown, showhide, disperse, rows
factor: delay between each item animation for seqfade, sequpdown; amount of pixels the row move when using rows
reverse: for reversing the order when using sequpdown