Change Log

1.6.1 (18 October 2014)

-Added fastclick plugin

-Refactored off-canvas.js
-Removed modernizr mobile tests

1.6 (8 September 2014)

-Off screen sidebar isuues
-Fixed google map controls

Upgrades and Additions
-Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.2.0
-Upgrade Fontawesome to 4.2.0
-Added chosen plugin

-Refactored Less folder structure
-Refactored color and font skins
-Refactored boxed and right sidebar layout structure
-Refactored 404 page, 500 page, lockscreen page, signin page, signup page, subscribe page structure
-Redesigned fullcalendar buttons

1.5.1 (3 July 2014)

-Stopped Offline.js from Intercepting ajax requests (gallery.html)
-Rearranged stylesheet order so that skins come first in the hierachy
-Fixed portfolio error notification centering

1.5 (30 June 2014)

New Stuff
-Added Color skins. making it easier to change colors
-Added Font skins. making it easier to change font faces
-Added Bxslider
-Added timepicker input field
-Added new layout ( Page with fixed footer)
-Added animation on menu collapse toggle
-Replaced Gallery with an Ajax powered alternative
-Replaced Masonry feed with isotope animated filterable elements

-Minor HTML and CSS changes

Plugin Updates

-Updated Bootstrap-Select to v1.5.4
-Updated Datatables to v1.10.0
-Updated Fullcalendar to v2.0.2
-Updated Jquery to v1.11.1
-Updated Parsley to v 2.0.2
-Updated Momentjs to v2.7.0
-Updated Gmaps to v0.4.13
-Updated Videojs to v4.6.2
-Updated Toastr to v2.0.3
-Updated Switchery to v0.6.0
-Updated Pace to v0.5.4

1.1.1 (28 May 2014)

-Added: New page, pricing.html
-Added: New responsive table method(No More Tables)

1.1 (26 May 2014)

-Added Pace plugin
-Added: HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin
-Update: FontAwesome to 4.1
-Fix: FuelUX spinner class conflict
-Fix: table-bordered issue
-Fix: Sidebar scrolling issue
-Fix: Content header overlapping offline bar issue

1.0.1 (10 May 2014)

- Minor tweaks and improvements

1.0 (9 May 2014)

- Initial Release