
Basic Data Table

DataTables has most features enabled by default, so all you need to do to use it with your own tables is to call the construction function: $().DataTable();.

Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Finn Camacho Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2009/07/07 $87,500
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012/04/09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010/01/04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

Buttons example

The Buttons extension for DataTables provides a common set of options, API methods and styling to display buttons on a page that will interact with a DataTable. The core library provides the based framework upon which plug-ins can built.

Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

State Saving

DataTables has the option of being able to save the state of a table (its paging position, ordering state etc) so that is can be restored when the user reloads a page, or comes back to the page after visiting a sub-page. This state saving ability is enabled by the stateSave option.

Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

Multi item selection

This example shows the multi option. Note how a click on a row will toggle its selected state without effecting other rows, unlike the os and single options shown in other examples.

Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012/04/09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010/01/04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

Key Data Table

KeyTable provides Excel like cell navigation on any table. Events (focus, blur, action etc) can be assigned to individual cells, columns, rows or all cells.

Name Position Office Age Start date Salary
Tiger Nixon System Architect Edinburgh 61 2011/04/25 $320,800
Olivia Liang Support Engineer Singapore 64 2011/02/03 $234,500
Bruno Nash Software Engineer London 38 2011/05/03 $163,500
Sakura Yamamoto Support Engineer Tokyo 37 2009/08/19 $139,575
Thor Walton Developer New York 61 2013/08/11 $98,540
Finn Camacho Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2009/07/07 $87,500
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2012/04/09 $138,575
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer New York 63 2010/01/04 $125,250
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer San Francisco 56 2012/06/01 $115,000
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013/02/01 $75,650
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Hermione Butler Regional Director London 47 2011/03/21 $356,250
Lael Greer Systems Administrator London 21 2009/02/27 $103,500
Jonas Alexander Developer San Francisco 30 2010/07/14 $86,500
Shad Decker Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2008/11/13 $183,000
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2011/06/27 $183,000
Donna Snider Customer Support New York 27 2011/01/25 $112,000

Complex headers with column visibility

Complex headers (using colspan / rowspan) can be used to group columns of similar information in DataTables, creating a very powerful visual effect.

Name HR Information Contact
Position Salary Office Extn. E-mail
Tiger Nixon System Architect $320,800 Edinburgh 5421
Finn Camacho Support Engineer $87,500 San Francisco 2927
Serge Baldwin Data Coordinator $138,575 Singapore 8352
Zenaida Frank Software Engineer $125,250 New York 7439
Zorita Serrano Software Engineer $115,000 San Francisco 4389
Jennifer Acosta Junior Javascript Developer $75,650 Edinburgh 3431
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant $145,600 New York 3990
Hermione Butler Regional Director $356,250 London 1016
Lael Greer Systems Administrator $103,500 London 6733
Jonas Alexander Developer $86,500 San Francisco 8196
Shad Decker Regional Director $183,000 Edinburgh 6373
Michael Bruce Javascript Developer $183,000 Singapore 5384
Donna Snider Customer Support $112,000 New York 4226
Name Position Salary Office Extn. E-mail
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